Home» Circulars» Virtual Workshop On Rodtep Data Calculations By Elp On 04.dec.2023 At 4pm Back
Virtual Workshop on RoDTEP data calculations by ELP on 04.Dec.2023 at 4pm



PXL/HO/Cir-082/2023-24                                                                            Date: 29.11.2023



Dear Sir/Madam,


Subject: Virtual Workshop on RoDTEP data calculations by ELP on 04.Dec.2023 at 4pm


In continuation of our Circular dt: 27.Oct.2023seeking data submission on RoDTEP, we have received requests from some of the member companies for assistance in the compilation/calculation of the data and taxes for submission to the RoDTEP Committee.


In this regard, we are pleased to inform you that Economic Law Practice (ELP) consultants with support from IPA has come forward to help the industry in calculation of data in the recommended format to RODTEP Committee and a workshop is planned for providing guidance on the data/calculation of taxes.


Members companies are requested to register your participation using google form: for attending the workshop on 04.Dec.2023 at 4pm.Meeting Links will be shared with registered participants.


We request member companies to take advantage of this opportunity for data submission to the RoDTEP Committee.


with regards,



Uday Bhaskar

Director General