PXL/HO/Cir-065/2024-25 Date: 27.11.2024
Subject: Questionnaire for Inputs Towards Preparation of 'Sectoral Handbook on Drugs and Pharmaceutical Exports - Product Market Fit'
Dear Sir/Ma’am,
Greetings from Pharmexcil!
The Department of Commerce (DoC) along with E&Y is conducting a study which would help prepare the ‘Sectoral Handbook on Drugs and Pharmaceutical Exports’.
DoC has entrusted E&Y in this regard to gather relevant data and information from all relevant stakeholders in the Pharma sector. A draft version of the sectoral handbook will be presented before the Senior Officers Meeting of Department of Commerce (DOC) on Monday i.e. 02nd December 2024. Member Companies are therefore kindly requested to submit their inputs on “Industry Questionnaire for Pharmaceutical Sector” latest by 28th November 2024, by 5:00 PM in order for E&Y to further work on the handbook based on the inputs received.
You may kindly skip any questions that are not answerable by your company, however please try to answer maximum number of questions.
The inputs may be shared with E&Y team directly with copy to EP(Pharma) Division and Pharmexcil.
Please send your inputs in the attached Questionnaire on “Industry Questionnaire for Pharmaceutical Sector” marking a copy to (Email IDs of E&Y team: Pragya Bhatnagar <Pragya.Bhatnagar@in.ey.com>, "Abhishek Gupta"<abhishek12.gupta@in.ey.com>,"DhirendraSingh"<dhirendra.singh@in.ey.com>,"AmreenFatima" <Amreen.Fatima@in.ey.com>, "Amshika B George"<Amshika.George@in.ey.com>) marking a copy to EP (Pharma )Division : anurag.goel@nic.in, eppharma-doc@gov.in, anddgdesk@pharmexcil.com
Your feedback is essential and crucial in the preparation of 'Sectoral Handbook on drugs and pharmaceutical exports - product market fit'.
We look forward for your prompt response.
Raja Bhanu
Director General