Home» Circulars» Book Your Stall Now In 8th Wac International Arogya Expo 2018 Gucec Ahmedabad Gj India 14th 17th December 2018 Back
Book Your Stall Now in 8th WAC & International Arogya Expo 2018, GUCEC, Ahmedabad, GJ, INDIA, 14th-17th December 2018


PXL/HO/Cir-065/2018-19                                                                                        Dt:19.11.2018




Dear Sir/Madam



Subject: Book Your Stall Now in 8th WAC & International Arogya Expo 2018, GUCEC, Ahmedabad, GJ, INDIA, 14th-17th December 2018


We would like to inform member companies that Pharmexcil is supporting 8th World Ayurveda Congress and International Arogya Expo scheduled from 14-17th Dec.2018 at Ahmedabad, Gujarat.


The venue, “GUCEC - Gujarat University Convention & Exhibition Centre ” is centrally located and is the best known for successful exhibitions in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. About 4000 registered delegates including 500 International delegates are expected to participate.  A major attraction  of this edition of WAC & International Arogya Expo would be the exclusive Pavilions of Ministry of AYUSH, NMBP and the State of Gujarat thereby giving you an immense opportunity to interact with them during the event days.


For the benefits of members, Pharmexcil is offering a discounted rate of stall @ Rs. 8100/- per sqm as against Rs.9000/- per sqm. Please refer to the attachments for more details of the Hall layout and 8th World Ayurveda Congress.



* Please note that 8th World Ayurveda Congress is an event  supported  by Ministry of AYUSH and therefore as AYUSH stakeholder including Sch. T GMP Certified ASU industry, you are entitled to a reimbursement of 50% of expenditure up to a ceiling of Rs.1.2 Lakhs. You are kindly requested to note this facility for your advantage.


Member companies interested in participating in the Arogya Expo are requested to directly contact Dr.Tanuja Gokhale, Convenor, International Arogya Expo at arogya@ayurworld.org

We look forward to your active participation.


With regards,


Udaya Bhaskar
Director General


ENCL: 8thWAC Brochure

8th WAC Opportunities

