PXL/HO/BEC-028/2021-22 Dt: 19.01.2022
Subject: Urgent requirement of medicines, medical accessories & vaccines by Central de Abastecimiento y Suministros de Salud (CEASS) of the Plurinational State of Bolivia
Members are kindly aware that Pharmexcil has been facilitating several trade enquiries in close coordination with our Indian missions abroad and promoting Indian pharmaceuticals worldwide.
Pharmexcil is in receipt of communication from our Indian mission in Peru(concurrently accredited to Bolivia) wherein “The Embassy of the Plurinational State of Bolivia” vide its letter CDP-Cs- 009/2022 have conveyed the urgent requirement of essential and lifesaving medicines to fight against the current wave of Covid-19 in Bolivia.
A copy of the above cited communication and list of required products (Medicines, Medical Supplies, Diagnostic Tests and Anti Covid-19 Vaccines) along with the quantities and specifications are enclosed herewith for your ready reference.
Member companies dealing in the sought products are requested to take advantage of this opportunity and share their intent to ccom.lima@mea.gov.in. You may kindly contact Shri Raghuvir Singh, Commercial Representative, Embassy of India in Peru at his WhatsApp No. +51 962 743 617 for any further queries/assistance required on the subject.
With regards,
Uday Bhaskar
Director General
Translated List of Medicines - CDP-Cs-009_2022
CDP-Cs- 009/2022
Translation of Bolivia CDP-Cs- 009/2022
Disclaimer:Members may please note that the above information is circulated on the basis of information received from Bolivia through Indian Mission in Peru. Members are advised to make their own decisions before finalizing their business transactions.