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Trade Enquiry for supply of Aripiprazole and Voriconazole – Brazil

PXL/HO/BEC-003/2022-23                                                                                 Dt: 27.04.2022


Dear Member,


Subject: Trade Enquiry for supply of Aripiprazole and Voriconazole – Brazil


Pharmexcil is in receipt of communication from India – Brazil Chamber of Commerce with respect to procurement of select pharmaceutical products by one of their member companies. The supply of below products requires mandatory ANVISA certification having stability in Zone IVb:




Demand Forecast

Aripiprazole tablet

10   mg

500,000 pills

Aripiprazole tablet

15   mg

300,000 pills

Voriconazole tablet

200 mg

120,000 pills



Member companies eligible to supply above products are advised to contact Ms. Thaina Queiroz  - Business Analyst, India – Brazil Chamber of Commerce at dimrio@indiabrazilchamber.org for detailed information and further correspondence on the subject.



With regards,



Udaya Bhaskar

Director General


Disclaimer: Members may please note that the above information is circulated on the basis of information received from India – Brazil Chamber of Commerce. It is kindly advised to make your own decisions before finalizing their business transactions.