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Trade Enquiry - Bolivia


PXL/HO/BEC-013/2020-21                                                                                            Dt: 16.01.2021



Subject: Trade Enquiry – Opportunity for collaboration with Bolivian company “Universal Pharma” for contract manufacturing their products- Reg



Pharmexcil is in receipt of communication from our mission in Peru, concurrently accredited to Bolivia wherein a Bolivian company named “Universal Pharma” is interested to collaborate with Indian manufacturer(s) for production of pharmaceutical products under their brand name.


It is understood that Universal Pharma started their operations in 2002 at Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia with an initial commercial portfolio of 215 products as a distributor. They further diversified in 2005 by creating and marketing their own branded pharmaceutical products in Bolivia. The company is enlisted with AGEMED (State Agency of Medications and Health Technologies of Bolivia) with more than 100 therapeutic products registered with the Health Ministry of Bolivia. Members may check the company’s website via link https://www.universalpharma.com.bo/ .


The list of 25 products received for contract manufacturing in India along with specified requirements from the prospective Indian partner(s) are as below for your reference:




  • Manufacturing facility to be WHO-GMP certified
  • Third party manufacturing contract and pharmaceutical product certificate to be apostilled
  • Long-term stability study concluded for Zone IVb (30±2º C, 75±5%)
  • Pharmacopoeia reference to be USP or BP or validated in-house method for active ingredient and finished product
  • Production in 40 days after placing an order
  • Shipment on FOB basis
  • Dossiers to be ready for submission; and
  • Finished pharmaceutical product under Universal Pharma brand.


LIST OF PRODUCTS:  Refer the Enclosure


Interested member companies seeking business collaboration as per above specifications for contract manufacturing of the listed products  are requested to share their details to them latest by 20th January 2021 in the below given link.  The council will further share the compiled information with our mission in Peru for further correspondence on the subject.




With regards


Uday Bhaskar

Director General




Members may please note that the above information is circulated on the basis of information received from our Mission in Peru regarding Trade enquiry from M/s. Universal Pharma, Bolivia.  Members are advised to make their own decisions before finalizing their business transactions.