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Tender Enquiry - Romania


PXL/HO/BEC-012/2020-21                                                                                               Dt: 08.01.2021





Dear Sir/Madam,


Subject: Open tender for the supply of COVID-19 protective equipment at Alba Iulia County, Romania.


We are pleased to inform our member-exporters that Pharmexcil is in receipt of communication from Embassy of India to Romania, Bucharest regarding an open tender for the supply of COVID-19 protective equipment published by Alba Iulia County Emergency Hospital, Alba Iulia County, Romania on 05th January 2021


The tender details are given below:


    Tender value: approx. 12,479, 676 US dollars

     Last date of tender: 08th February 2021.

     Contact details of the organisation:


    Alba Iulia County Emergency Hospital

    Address: Blvd. Revolutiei 1989, no. 23, Alba Iulia County, Romania

    Phone: +40 258 833 007

    E-mail: licspalba@gmail.com

    Webpage: www.spitalalba.ro  


For more details of the tender, members may visit their website/tender portal at https://e-licitatie.ro/pub/notices/c-notice/v2/view/100110575 .


For any further enquiries or support, members may also contact the Commercial Wing of the Embassy of India, Bucharest at marketing.bucharest@mea.gov.in    


With regards,


Uday Bhaskar

Director General





Members may please note that the above information is circulated on the basis of information received from Mr. Anup Demta, Second Secretary (Com & Cons), Embassy of India, Bucharest.  Members are advised to make their own decisions before finalizing their business transactions.