PXL/HO/BEC-008/2022-23 Dt:25.08.2022
Dear Sir/Madam,
Subject: Procurement of Medicines by Government of Mexico (2023 – 24)
Pharmexcil is in receipt of communication issued by Embassy of Mexico in India wherein the government of Mexico is planning to procure essential medicines for the year 2023-24.
It is to be noted that all products to compete in the tender should have a GMP certificate from a level 4 country (US, Canada, United Kingdom, European Union, Japan, Switzerland or Australia, Cuba or Brazil) or from Mexico (COFEPRIS).
The list of required products is enclosed for your kind reference. Interested and eligible member companies are requested to submit their quotes per product (CIF cost in USD) delivered to Mexico City by air.
It is kindly requested to adhere to the requested format and submit your responses to Ms. Vanessa Faviola Everardo Aguilar: vanessa.everardo@insabi.gob.mx. In case of any queries/clarifications required on the subject, you may reach out to Madame Minister Judith Arrieta, Deputy Chief of Mission of the Embassy of Mexico in New Delhi (Mobile: +91 - 9599433842).
With regards,
Udaya Bhaskar
Director General
Encl: Required Product List
Disclaimer: Members may please note that the above information is circulated on the basis of information received from Indian Embassy, Mexico. Members are advised to make their own decisions before finalizing their business transactions