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Inviting issues/suggestions pertaining to Rupee-Rouble trade-Meeting with SBER Bank proposed during June 2024-reg.



PXL/HO/Cir-026/2024-25                                                                            Date: 14.06.2024



Dear Sir/Madam,


Subject: Inviting issues/suggestions pertaining to Rupee-Rouble trade-Meeting with SBER Bank proposed during June 2024-reg.


We are glad to inform member exporters that Mr.Uday Bhaskar, Director General, Pharmexcil participated in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum held during 05.June-08.June.2024 at St. Petersburg, Russia and interacted with the Ambassador of India in Russia and the Governors of various provinces of Russia.


During the forum, DG met Mr Ivan Nosov, Chief Executive Officer of SBER Bank, discussed about Rupee-Rouble trade arrangement between India and Russia and also the measures to be taken to ease the issues being faced by some of the exporters, and Mr.Ivan responded positively to our requests.


In this context, a meeting is proposed to be convened with SBER Bank in New Delhi during the last week of June 2024 and we therefore request the member exporters to kindly share the issues/suggestions for deliberating with SBER Bank for an effective engagement.



Please submit your responses on: https://forms.gle/9bj1yhceChp3LB948



We look forward to your active inputs.


With regards,



Raja Bhanu

Executive Director