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Seeking information on the list of APIs with approvals from EU and USA and willingness to supply APIs to Taiwan and source APIs from Taiwan



PXL/HO/Cir-019/2024-25                                                                            Date: 27.05.2024





Subject: Seeking information on the list of APIs with approvals from EU and USA and willingness to supply APIs to Taiwan and source APIs from Taiwan.

We would like to inform member companies that 8th Working Group on Trade held between India and Taiwan and discussed possible cooperation in Pharmaceuticals, especially supplying of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) from India. It was discussed to extend fast track approval for APIs (having approvals from EU and USA) by TFDA and TFDA in this regard has shared the list of APIs having potential for collaboration.

A copy of the lists shared by the Taiwan Food and Drug Administration is shared for kind information of member companies with a request to indicate the approvals your company is possessing (EU and USA) for availing the fast-track approval process and your willingness to supply to the Taiwan market.

India’s export to Taiwan during 2023-24 touched USD 62.47 mn with a growth rate of 31% over 2022-23 and 65% of our exports were Bulk Drugs and Drug Intermediates at USD 41.22 mn growing at 54%

TFDA has also shared the list of APIs that Taiwan is looking at supplying to India and member companies willing to source the APIs from Taiwan are requested to indicate their intent to source the products from Taiwan.

Member exporters are requested to submit response on or before 29.May.2024. Please upload the excel file on the link given below in google form





We look forward to your active participation for ensuing greater market access for APIs and fostering trade relations with Taiwan.


With regards,




Uday Bhaskar

Director General