PXL/HO/Cir-014/2024-25 Date: 18.05.2024
Applications are invited for Pharmexcil Awards for “Outstanding Export Performance” for the financial year 2022-23
Members are kindly aware that Pharmexcil has instituted “Outstanding Export Performance Awards” and has been conferring since 2009 and awards have been conferred for the Export Performance till the financial year 2021-22.Industry’s effortsin exporting Pharmaceutical products though recognized and lauded globally, Pharmexcil also wishes to honor in its own way.
In this regard, Pharmexcil is pleased to invite applications for the Export performance for financial year 2022-23 to confer awards to the members whose performance is outstanding.
Pharmexcil wishes to confer such awards in the following categories.
All Round Export Performance
API/Bulk Drugs
Herbals, Ayush & Nutraceuticals
Contract Research & Manufacturing
Merchant Exporter
Each category of Award will have Platinum, Gold, and Silver based on consistent export performance during the last three years.
Special Awards:
Women Entrepreneur Award: Applications are invited from Companies in which women has substantial share almost nearing half and heading it. They may also need employ women in other key posts Like Marketing. HR, Production etc. Interested companies may please fill in the details in item no8 of the Application format.
SME Export Award: Companies having their own manufacturing facility and with exporter turnover of Rs.100 crores and below with 3 years of consistent performance (2020-21, 2021-22 & 2022-23) are eligible for submitting the applications for the said Award.
A simple proforma In Excel format (No Modifications and NO pdf please) for submission of application (Applications can be accessed using the following link): Application form.
Interested members who have renewed their membership for the year 2023-24 may submit duly filled-in application forms to this Council on or before 20.June.2024,which will be forwarded to the Pharmexcil Award Committee, for their recommendations. The Committee would recommend winners based on the guidelines framed for selection. Awards will be conferred on 28.August.2024 during IPHEX Expo taking place in IEML, Greater Noida(NCR Delhi).
Members are requested to take advantage of this opportunity to win Awards by submitting the application forms to stats@pharmexcil.com, cc to: awards@pharmexcil.com.
Duly filled-in application forms are to be submitted to the Council (by email to stats@pharmexcil.com & awards@pharmexcil.com) and the hard copy of the application should be sent to our head office (Pharmexcil, 201, Aditya Trade Center, Ameerpet, Hyderabad- 500038) latest by 20.June.2024.
Members have to submit only one application per company. Company may like to mention the Category/categories of award in which they wish to nominate themselves in the application Form
Application cover should also mention the categories for which they are applying for
We request Members to please send a High-Resolution Photograph of the CEO of your Organization (which would be printed in the booklet showing the list of Awardees)
Brochures of the company and 1-page note giving brief profile of the company may also be annexed with your application.
Published annual reports of the company may be sent as certified by auditors. In case of private companies, please get them certified by a CA/ICWA/ACS/CPA/ CFA for exports performance figures. In case Audited reports are not available for the latest financial year, certified( by C.A.) provisional reports may be submitted.
With best regards,
Uday Bhaskar
Director General