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Pharmaceutical Market Survey of Chile



PXL/HO/Cir-002/2024-25                                                                            Date: 03.04.2024



Subject: Pharmaceutical Market Survey of Chile,


Greetings for PHARMEXCIL!


We are pleased to inform you that the Embassy of India in Santiago, Chile has commissioned a Pharmaceutical Market Survey of Chile for Indian Pharma exporters.


Members are aware that the Pharmaceuticals Export Promotion Council of India (PHARMEXCIL) recently held a very successful iPHEX-LATAM at Guatemala, Colombia & Chile with a 100-member business delegation representing 78 Indian pharma companies. This dynamic event served as a Launchpad, fostering connections between leading Indian pharmaceutical companies and their counterparts.


Following up on the line of the recently concluded India-Chile Pharma Business Meet at Santiago as a part of IPHEX LATAM and in view of surging interest of the Indian pharma sector in Chile, the Indian Mission has commissioned a comprehensive Pharmaceutical Market Survey of Chile in March 2024. This updated survey builds upon a previous version from 2018, providing valuable insights for Indian pharmaceutical companies seeking to expand their reach in the Chilean market. This revision emphasizes the positive momentum and presents the market survey as a tool to capitalize on the successful event.


We request our member exporters to take advantage of this valuable resource which unveils exciting business opportunities within the Chilean pharmaceutical sector, paving the way for a significant boost in Indian exports to Chile.


With regards,


Uday Bhaskar

Director General


Encl: Chile Pharmaceutical Market Survey