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Attention Exporters to Japan -“One to One Business Meetings with Pharma companies” on 25th October 2023 at Tokyo, Japan.




PXL/HO/Cir-065/2023-24                                                                            Date: 29.09.2023




Dear Sir/Madam,


Subject: Attention Exporters to Japan -“One to One Business Meetings with Pharma companies” on 25th October 2023 at Tokyo, Japan.


We are pleased to inform member companies that the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India is organising “One to One Business Meetings with Pharma companies” during 25-27.Oct.2023 at Japan. The Business meetings are being organised on the sidelines of 'Investment and trade Promotion roadshow in Japan scheduled to be held from 25th to 27th October, 2023, led by the Hon’ble Commerce & Industries Minister to promote India as an attractive investment destination and to promote Indian products in Japan.


In the above context, Pharmaceuticals/biomedical related sectors have been identified as potential sectors for trade promotion in consultation with our Mission in Japan. India’s exports to Japan during the year 2022-23 have touched USD 247.50 mn with a growth rate of 3.79 % over previous year.


We invite you to kindly take part in the B2B meetings scheduled on 25th October 2023 and confirm your participation throughgoogle form(latest by 03.Oct.2023) to enable Pharmexcil to share the list of participants to the Department of Commerce.


You are also requested to suggest the names of the companies, if any, you wish to have meetings in Japan so that our Mission in Japan can facilitate the same.


We look forward to your active participation.



With regards,




Uday Bhaskar

Director General


Note: MAI support is not there for the above event