PXL/HO/Cir-066/2022-23 Date: 02.12.2022
To the Ordinary Members Enrolled
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Subject: Elections to 15 (Fifteen) seats of Committee of Administration for 2022-24 - Nominations Invited
In accordance with the provisions of Articles of Association of the Council, as per the directions of Department of Commerce, Govt. of India issued from time to time, as per the decisions taken in the CoA meeting held on 11 November 2022, it is hereby notified that elections to 15 (fifteen) seats will be held as under:
1. Composition of Committee of Administration:
Over Rs.20 crores
(Rs.20 Crores)
Over Rs.100 to Rs. 500 crores
Over Rs.500 to Rs. 1000 crores
Over Rs.1000 crores
No Limit
Total Seats
4 seats
Non- SSI
2 seats
1 seat
1 seat
Status Holders
1 seat
1 seat
1 seat
Merchant Exporters
1 seat
R&D/CROs/ Biotech
1 seat
1 seat
Others No Limit**
1 seat
** Others No Limit: includes manufacturer exporters dealing with special / minor product categories/ Segments (like Excipients, Nutraceuticals, Surgical, Medical Devices, Diagnostics, Pharma Packaging and Pharma related Services etc.)
a. The value of exports (in brackets) shown above is the minimum of 3 years average of export values required for contesting in the elections
b. If no nominations are received for any of the seats, Government of India reserves the right to nominate representatives from that segment of the Industry on the basis of DGCIS data of export values in the same category
c. No member can contest in the elections for one year immediately upon completion of 3 (three) consecutive terms.
d. For status holder category, the criteria/considerations given to SSI sector and others under Foreign Trade Policy will also apply in considering minimum export value eligibility.
2. Schedule of Elections:
Election to the Committee of Administration will be held as per the following Schedule:
Last date for receipt of Nominations
09.Dec 2022
Scrutiny & Announcement of eligible contestants
12.Dec 2022
Last date for withdrawal of Nominations
13.Dec 2022
Forwarding the Ballots through e-mails to Ordinary members (eligible voters)
13.Dec 2022
Voting through electronic voting system
15-16.Dec 2022
Counting of votes and declaration of results
16.Dec 2022
3. Procedure for submitting Nominations:
Eligible members who are interested to contest the election may send their Nomination Form as per enclosed Format. The Nomination form must be sent in sealed cover duly subscribing on the top of the cover “CATEGORY OF THE NOMINATION-ELECTION TO THE COMMITTEE OF ADMINISTRATION” to the Council’s Head Office located at 201, Aditya Trade Centre, Ameerpet, Hyderabad – 500 038, by Hand delivery or by Registered Post / courier so as to reach the Council’s Head Office on or before 09 Dec 2022 by 1730 hours. Nomination received after the due date and time will not be considered.
Those nominations which are not in accordance with the prescribed format shall be treated as invalid.
4. Withdrawal of nominations:
Withdrawal in the prescribed form must be submitted from Contestant email id by email (on letter head duly signed by the contestant) to elections@pharmexcil.comor by courier to Head Office of PHARMEXCIL at Hyderabad on or before 13 Dec 2022 by 1730 hours.
Please see foot note for additional information.
For clarifications, if any, contact Elections Coordinator: Mr. Murali Krishna S, Director: 040-23735462/66/64; Email: elections@pharmexcil.com
With regards
Udaya Bhaskar
Director General
Annexure I – Nomination form
Annexure II – CA certificate
Annexure III – Nomination of representative at counting of votes.
Annexure IV – Withdrawal form.
List of Eligible Voters
Foot Note:
1. As per the directive of Government of India and provisions of Articles of Association of the Council:
a. Contesting member company should have Export Turnovers as stated above under para 1 (Composition of Committee of Administration)
b. Contesting Member Company should have been enrolled as ‘Ordinary Members eligible to vote/contest’. Please click herefor list of category-wise members eligible to vote/contest
2. Ordinary Members enrolled may kindly note the listing is done as per the RCMC category. For companies, who would want to be listed under the Status Holder Category need to provide the copy of the Status Holder Certificate for effecting the changes on or before 17:30 hrs of 05.Dec.2022.
3. Returning Officer for the Elections, whose decision is final in respect of scrutiny of nominations, withdrawals, counting, results etc.
4. Elections will be conducted by an independent agency viz., Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL) through Electronic Voting System. Link for exercising voting will be sent to the eligible voters, category-wise, by CDSL.
5. CDSL will directly send the Links for electronic voting on 13 Dec 2022 to the registered email and mobile. Voters are requested to check for the same and keep the link safe for exercising voting on 15 & 16 Dec 2022. Requests for resending the same will not be entertained neither by CDSL nor by Pharmexcil.
6. Eligible voters will exercise their votes to elect members contesting in their respective category/segment only (Ex: Eligible voters in SSI category will vote to elect members contesting in SSI category only, voters listed under Merchant exporters category will vote to elect members contesting in Merchant Exporters category only)
7. As per guidelines issued by Department of Commerce, Vice Chairman of Council has to be elected after Committee of Administration is constituted with duly elected members. Vice Chairman has to be elected by all Ordinary members, irrespective of categories/segments. Notification for conducting elections to the post of Vice Chairman will be issued separately, after the constitution of new Committee of Administration (CoA). In order to contest for the position of Vice Chairman, He/She has to be an Elected Member of the CoA and to have export turnover not less than Rs. 100 crore.