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List of potential importers/buyers of Russia for pharmaceutical products


PXL/HO/Cir-112/2021-22                                                                          Date: 16.12.2021



Dear Sir/Madam,



Subject:  List of potential importers/buyers of Russia for pharmaceutical products.


We are pleased to inform our member-exporters that Pharmexcil is in receipt of communication from Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Department of Commerce (FT-CIS Division), Government of India regarding list of Potential buyers of Russia for Pharmaceutical Products. The attached listcontained the important information such as name of the company, contact details, email id , export turnover about the Russian buyers importing Pharmaceutical Products. We therefore request our member-exporters to reach out to these Russian importers directly and explore the possibility of increasing trade with them.


We further like to inform that due to sensitivity of the data, we have shared the list discreetly to our members only. The members can get the list of the potential importers / buyers of Russia for Pharmaceuticals products after login to the Pharmexcil portal.In case of any further queries, member-exporters can also write to the Embassy of India in Russia (com.moscow@mea.gov.in)  for any further assistance regarding the list.


We also request our members to provide feedback about the Importers after your interactions with them. Your feedback will help us to improve.



Thanks & regards,




Udaya Bhaskar

Director General