Home» Circulars» Iveda Web Portal Beta Version Launched And Live Now For Company Registration Data Upload Back


PXL/HO/Cir-039/2020-21                                                                        Date: 25.06.2020

Dear Sir/Madam,
Subject: iVEDA Web Portal -Beta Version launched and LIVE NOW FOR COMPANY REGISTRATION & DATA UPLOAD
Member companies are kindly aware, Integrated Validation of Export of Drugs and its Authentication (iVEDA), is a project of the Ministry of Commerce & Industry and Pharmexcil has been entrusted with the responsibility of developing and maintaining the Web Portal "iVEDA" through CDAC.
Pharmexcil and CDAC conducted a series of meetings with the Industry and associations and analysed all the issues, suggestions and recommendations of the industry and has developed this web portal "iVEDA" for facilitating the implementation of Track and Trace for Pharmaceutical products.
iVEDA is a well-defined and built-in system which has been developed for  replacing the DAVA portal to achieve the objective of authentication of pharmaceutical exports  
iVEDA has been developed with a clear thought process to offer more flexibility,  be  user friendly for the industry and is technology neutral. The salient features are,
•    Easy Registration and Quick Verification/approvals.
•    Option of aggregation/non-aggregation.
•    Companies using GS1 code can continue doing so.
•    Merchant Exporters can now upload the data using the necessary guidelines
•    Companies can get CDAC codes in case they have not yet subscribed to get codes from GS1 or any other agencies.
•    Bulk upload of XML files enabled.

The Beta Version of iVEDA web portal has been launched on 24.June.2020 by Shri Shyamal Misra, Joint Secretary, Commerce Ministry, which is live now at www.iveda-india.in in the form of Beta version(test run) and available to companies for data upload. The Beta Version will enable the member exporters to accomplish the following,
1) Facilitate member companies (Manufacturer Exporters & Merchant Exporters) register with iVEDA web portal.
2) Filling the company profiles and update the facility/site information.
3) Data uploading in XML formats can be commenced by member exporters on the portal
4) Exporters can continue to use the serialization codes provided by GS1 or can opt for any service provider for the serialization numbers
5) CDAC can be requested to provide the serial numbers for affixing on the different packaging levels.
6) Integrate software between the companies and iVEDA platform.
The parent-child/aggregation will be optional as the new system is flexible. The parent child aggregation, if opted, will be on secondary package levels (the lowest one as last saleable pack) and tertiary level.
The step by step process for company registration, Excel to XML conversion, bulk data upload, coding system, Serialization etc., has been provided in the User Manuals for the ready reference and kind information of the companies at iVEDA web portal :www.iveda-india.in
During this Beta Version period, all the functionalities will be tested in real time and issues if any arising during the registration process/data upload process will be responded and addressed by the CDAC and Pharmexcil Team. We have also provided a feedback form for submitting your queries/issues, which will be attended by the CDAC and Pharmexcil Team members.
The Beta Version/Trial Version is available for the companies for a period of one month form 25.June.2020 and it is requested that all the companies to register with the web portal within 25.July.2020 positively and start uploading the data. This time period is kept purposefully for familiarizing with the web portal and its templates, software integration and also addressing the issues and challenges if any while uploading the data.

The User fees will be intimated to companies through a separate circular by 20.July.2020.
The data pertaining to every export consignment starting from 1st June.2020 pertaining to the finished drug formulations is to be uploaded by the Manufacturer-Exporter and Merchant Exporters, Traders of finished formulations on BETA version of IVEDA and thereafter on final version.

The procedure for data upload, packaging levels, coding system and related user Manual can be accessed at www.iveda-india.in
We, therefore, request all the companies to register with the iVEDA web portal and start uploading the data. It is also requested to share your suggestions and valuable inputs.
With regards,
Uday Bhaskar
Director General