PXL/HO/Cir-084/2022-23 Date: 23.12.2022
Subject: Electronic filing and Issuance of Preferential Certificate of Origin (CoO) under India-Australia
Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (Ind-Aus ECTA) w.e.f. 29th December 2022. We are pleased to inform members that India Australia ECTA would be effective from 29.12.2022. DGFT has issued a Trade Notice No. 23/2022-23 Dt. 22.12.2022 informing the exporters that the Preferential COO will be issued online via DGFT COO Website https://coo.dgft.gov.infrom 29.12.2022
The Trade Notice also informs exporters to note following points:
a. Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) would be required for the purpose of electronic submission. The digital signature may be Class III and should have the IEC of the firm embedded in the DSC.
b. Any new applicant exporter would be required to initially register at the portal. The password would be sent on the email and mobile number of the IEC holder.
DGFT has also issued required Public Notice No. 44/2015-20 Dt. 22.12.2022 notifying the Authorised Agencies allowed to issue the required Preferential COO. Exporters may refer the Public Notice for the same.
The Public Notice can be downloaded from the link below
The Trade Notice can be downloaded from the link below
The Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs have issued Customs Notification (N.T) No: 112/2022 regarding the Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Goods under the India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement) Rules, 2022.vide GSR No:897(E) dt:22nd Dec 2022 and the same is attached here for the benefit of members.
With Regards
Udaya Bhaskar
Director General