PXL/HO/Cir-068/2024-25 Date: 05.12.2024
Subject:Call for Expression of Interest to Supply – Russia
Dear Sir/Madam,
Greetings from Pharmexcil!
Pharmexcil has recently received communication following the meeting held of the Russia-India Intergovernmental Commission. This communication includes a list of products, along with corresponding HS Codes, which Russian importers would like to procure from India. The list of products which falls under the purview of Pharmexcil are under HS codes 9018 listed in the second page of the attached list of products.
Member Exporters manufacturing the products under HS Code 9018, and having business operations in Russia and those willing to enter the Russian market may take advantage of this opportunity. Member companies may kindly send in their interest to moc_ftcis@nic.inmarking a copy of the email to romumbai@pharmexcil.comand dgdesk@pharmexcil.com.
We appreciate your attention to this matter.
With Regards,
Raja Bhanu K
Director General
Encl : List of Products