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Reservation of stalls
There are 102 stalls of 9, 10.5, 12,14 and 18 sq. meter each in India pavilion. With a view to make the allotment procedure more simple and transparent, Council created a separate page in its website for this event, where members can book the stalls through online. To book a stall, please follow the steps given below:

  • Click on the above link for opening the floor plan
  • Select a stall and click for opening the registration form
  • Fill up the form and submit.
  • Click on 'Reservation" to reserve the stall selected by you. A member/group of Companies can reserve maximum TWO stalls only (each stall should be 9 sq. meters only)
  • Only ONE STALL is allowed, If the member reserves either 10.5 or 12 sq. mt. or 18 mt. stall.
  • Due to our agreement with the organizers, no member/group of companies will be allotted not more than 18 sq. meters of space. Members are requested to note this important point.
  • It is observed that members block too many stalls denying chance for others to participate. If we find any member/group made reservation of more than allowed, all such bookings will be deleted from the system, without any notice, leaving only one stall which is booked first.
  • It is also observed that some of the members book stalls at different locations and later on requesting for adjustments. To discourage such practice, stalls booked by one company/group companies at different locations will be released, without any notice, by keeping only one stall which is booked first. Two stalls booked one company/group companies together at one place will be kept as it is.
  • 100% payment has to be made within 7 days of reservation, failing which reservation gets automatically cancelled, without any further notice and the same will be allotted to the other companies in waiting list.
  • Please see and confirm the terms of allotment in the Registration form, before confirming the reservation
  • Please do not take printout of the Invoice, before completing the Registration. Council shall not be responsible for any such incomplete reservations
  • As per safety measures of Organizers, own designing of stall of 18 sq. meter or less is not allowed. They can design their stalls with flex or standees only
  • Final decision of allotment rests with the Council.
Allotment of Stalls:

Stalls will be allotted only after receipt of 100% of the amount, which has to be paid within 7 days from the date of reservation. Members are advised to take advantage of this opportunity of exhibiting at CPhI, India by being a part of India pavilion.

After allotment of stall, cancellation is not allowed. In case, members are not able participate in the event due any reasons, amount paid by them will be forfeited. If the same stall / space is allotted to any other member, Council may consider to refund the amount paid by them after deducting 15% of the amount paid, subject to approval by the Committee. 

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