Pharmexcil Logo   Internatinal Business Meet
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Members who are interested to participate in the above meetings may register themselves through online Registration. Last date for registration is 18.3.2012.  
Online Registration
(Members may contact us at or phone No. 040 23735462/66 if there is any problem in registering online)
Business Sessions Per Delegate
Members Rs.3,500 per delegate/Session
Non-Members Rs.5,000 per delegate/Session
Note: Registration fee includes participation in any one Business Session and lunch followed/preceded by the Business Session selected, participation in all technical seminars 9th Conference on ‘Indian Medical & Plastic Disposable Industry'.
SL. No Page Tariff (Rs.) Sizes
1 Back Cover Rs: 7,500 9" length x 7" width
2 Inside Covers Rs: 5,000 9" length x 7" width
3 Full Page     Rs: 3,000 9" length x 7" width
4 Half Page    Rs: 2,000 4" length x 7" width
Note: All advertisements will be in multi-colour
Members are advised to take active part in this   event and make use of this unique opportunity of  meeting prominent buyers from various countries  all at one place.
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